Thursday, February 7

Creating My Magazine Cover...

This is when I have added the background image to the cover and have made the masthead red as this is part of my colour scheme but also so it can be read.
This is where I inserted my masthead in the font that I have chosen.
I have also added in an image and text to go along with it.
This print screen shows that I have added skyline text, a puff, anchorage text and sell lines.
I decided that I wanted to make the puff a slightly darker grey as this stands out more, which is important because it is an offer so needs to catch people's eye.
I have added more sell lines and the date of this week's issue.
I also decided that I wanted the anchorage text to be more in the middle, as this is the most important feature on the page. Because of this movement I needed to move the image more to the bottom left corner and make slight size adjustements to the text next to it.
This is the print preview of my magazine cover.

This is my finished magazine cover...

1 comment:

  1. Front cover is looking great Marie - do take care that your text doesn't end up too close to the edge of the page.

    You are rather behind schedule though - where are your completed contents page and DPS?
