Friday, February 22

Creating My Double Page Spread...

I have followed the basic template but have added my main image of my cover star, a title, page numbers and the artists upcoming album.
I have added little bits of text including the artists name, a short introduction to the interview and information on the sale of the album.
I also had to tweak the title as some of it it was falling into the gutter in the middle of the page.
Here I have inserted the interview with the cover star.
I chose certain quotations that I liked and enlarged them and added speech marks to seperate them from the rest of the text. This draws the readers attention to them and gives them an insight to the interview and the artist as a person.
This is a print preview of my double page spread.


Finished Double Page Spread...

I am very pleased with th outcome of this as I feel that it looks quite professional. I like that image that I used because it is a close-up and it suits the title, 'Up close and peronal', I wanted it to imply a gripping interview but also it is humerous with the image.
I also like how the quotations stand out because it intrigues the audience.

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