Sunday, December 16

Possible Photos Of Cover Artist To Include...

I like this image because it represents my models character a unique artist who is not afraid to be a bit different. I like the positioning of her hands however it may be unclear that it is her in the image.

I like this image as she has a slight grin to her face, suggesting that she is very confident.
I however fell that this image is quite boring and I would not know where to place it in the magazine.

I like this image because my model is looking directlly at the camera, giving the audience a direct mode of address.
I think that this image would be perfect for the cover because there is white space either side of her, this would be perfect space for the sile lines of the articles to go.

I like this image because the smile suggests confidence and love of what she does.
I also like the fact that it is a close up of her because it is more personal.
I would like to use this in the magazine, possibly on the double page spread.

I like this image as it is a mid-shot, showing her body language. I also like how the sun from the window is coming accross her face, it gives her a light side and dark side of her face which could possibly represent her personality.

I like this image as it shows that she does not care what people think about her. She is not looking at the camera, her arms are down by her side and she is biting her lip with slightly raides eyebrows, showing that she is very laid back.

Photos For Album Cover...

I like this image for an album cover because the candles in the background are very visible and my model is looking down, giving a sense of mystery to the image.

I do not like this image because you can see other objects in the background, the model is also covering the candles behind her, which is a vital part of the image.

The same goes for this image as you can see other things in the background and she is covering the candles.
I do however like how she has her head down and is looking at the camera, I feel that it gives a dark, sinister atmosphere to the photograph.

I like the positioning of the model and the background looks how I wanted it to, however the image is slightly blury to use it as the album cover.


  1. Some thoughtful photography Marie. It would be good to see some commentary to go with them - what went well, which ones you will select/edit etc. and why. You could do this using text or by adding a simple voice over.

  2. You should having your planning and drafting well under-way by now Marie. Please upload mock layouts/drafts etc. and photos for your inside pages.
