Friday, November 16

Music Magazine Questionnaire...

I am going to be producing a magazine similar to Rolling Stone or Q magazine, which mainly focus on rock and pop artists that are well known.  Please tick your answers.


1.     What name do you think is the best for the magazine (or any suggestions)?

·        Shout!

·        Beat

·        Echo

·        Attention

·        Dare




2.     What colour scheme do you think is best for this genre of magazine?

·        Red, white and black

·        Grey, white and black

·        White and blue

·        Red and grey


3.     What kind of article would you like to see on the double page spread?

·        An interview with the cover artist

·        History of cover artist

·        Update on the cover artist

·        Gig dates

·        Review of latest gigs

·        Review of latest release


4.     Would a free poster encourage you to buy the magazine?

·        Yes

·        No


5.     If you answered ‘yes’ to question 4, who would you like the poster to be of?




6.     Would extra features such as movie reviews and television reviews interest you?

·        Yes

·        No


7.     How often do you think this magazine should be published?

·        Once a week

·        Every fortnight

·        Once a month

·        2 every year


8.     What font do you think best represents the genre?

·       Broadway

·        Wide Latin

·        Copperplate Gothic Bold

·        Britannic Bold

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